training company - solomon people solutions

09 Mar 2023

Need of Training the In-Company Trainers

Need of Training the In-Company Trainers

Before landing to this question Need of Trainings, let us have a check on what do you really meant by In-company trainers:

In- Company trainers are professionals who are employed by a company to deliver training and development programs to their employees. These trainers are typically subject matter experts in the areas that they teach and are responsible for designing and delivering training programs that meet the specific needs of the company and its employees.

The role of in-company trainers can vary depending on the company’s size, industry, and specific training needs. Some common responsibilities may include conducting needs assessments to identify training gaps, developing, and delivering training programs, evaluating training effectiveness, and providing ongoing coaching and support to employees.

In-company trainers undergo  a set of certifications programs as they play a crucial role in helping companies achieve their business goals by ensuring that employees have the skills and knowledge they need to perform their jobs effectively. They also help to foster a culture of learning and development within the company, which can improve employee engagement and retention.

Now here are some of the reasons on why to Train the In-company trainers?

  1. Improved Training Quality: In-company trainers who receive training themselves are more likely to be effective in their roles. They will have a better understanding of adult learning principles, instructional design, and delivery techniques. This will translate into better-designed and more engaging training programs for employees.
  2. Keeping Up with Industry Changes: Training Solutions and technologies are constantly evolving, and in-company trainers need to stay up to date with the latest trends and best practices. Ongoing training for trainers can ensure they are aware of the latest developments and can incorporate them into their training programs.
  3. Consistency in Training: In-company trainers who receive training can ensure that training programs are delivered consistently across different departments and locations. This consistency can lead to a more standardized approach to training, resulting in a more cohesive workforce.
  4. Career Development: Providing training for in-company trainers can also help them to grow in their careers. They will gain new skills and knowledge that can be applied to their roles, and they may also have opportunities to take on more senior positions in the training department.
  5. Retention of Trainers: Investing in the professional development of in-company trainers can help to retain these valuable employees. Trainers who feel valued and supported in their roles are more likely to stay with the company, reducing turnover and associated recruitment and training costs.

To Conclude,  training in-company trainers can be a cost-effective and efficient way of providing ongoing training to employees. It can improve employee retention, ensure consistent training, and help to improve overall performance. Solomon People Solution  have an efficient panel of trainers who have firsthand knowledge of the company’s products, services, and processes. They can transfer this knowledge to new employees in a way that is specific to the company’s needs.