07 Mar 2024

How to Build Trust and Rapport in Negotiation Skills for Sales?

How to Build Trust and Rapport in Negotiation Skills for Sales?
In the world of sales and business, being able to negotiate effectively is not just a skill—it's an essential part of success. Whether you're pitching a new client, discussing terms with suppliers, or finalizing a partnership, how you handle these negotiations can significantly impact the outcome. Here’s a guide on how sales professionals can build trust and rapport in every negotiation,...

05 Jan 2024

The Top 10 Steps for Giving Effective Feedback!!

training company - solomon people solutions
Successful businesses turn setbacks into chances to improve and learn instead of accepting defeat. A key to this transformation is effective feedback around the problem. The model below will help you provide feedback in a way that will help people learn and change.   Feedback can be used to both modify and reinforce perceived undesirable conduct as well as to support positive behavior...

11 Dec 2023

Why should you consider a mentorship program for your career development?

Solomon people Solutions AMT (Asset Management) Course
Engaging in a mentorship program can be highly beneficial for your career development. The following are some justifications for thinking about taking part in such a program:  Transfer of Information and Experience:  Learning from Experience: A mentor can offer guidance based on their personal experiences, assisting you in overcoming obstacles and avoiding typical traps.  Indu...

30 Nov 2023

The Impact of Training on Job Satisfaction

The Impact of Training on Job Satisfaction Training plays a significant role in influencing job satisfaction among employees. The impact of training on job satisfaction can be observed in several ways: Training can help employees gain the necessary skills to perform their job duties, which can lead to greater job satisfaction. Training can also provide employees with the tools and resou...

30 Nov 2023

The Importance of Employee Training and Development

The Importance of Employee Training and Development Employee training and development play a crucial role in the success and growth of organizations. Here are several reasons why investing in the training and development of employees is essential Enhanced Skills and Competencies: Training programs help employees acquire new skills and enhance existing ones. This is particularl...

28 Jul 2023

How consultants add value to change and growth of any business?

Solomon People Solutions Training
How consultants add value to change and growth of any business?: Managers are motivated to hire a consultant because they have chosen a project they believe will be advantageous to the organization but know they need help to execute it. They might be able to say that a lack of resources or knowledge caused their inability to deliver. By addressing these deficiencies, the business consul...

27 Jun 2023

Will external training really add value to individuals and businesses?

Will external training really add value to individuals and businesses? Yes, external training is delivered by outside consultants, trainers, facilitators, experts, or organizations not affiliated with the  user organization. It is a procedure that can add interest, provide a broader range of working techniques and experience, and offer better opportunities to interact with others dealin...

23 Nov 2022

Measuring the success of training.

Interpreting 360 Degree Feedback Reports Training
Measuring the success of training THE EVALUATION OF TRAINING, like motherhood and apple pie, is inherently a good thing. But, because short term priorities always crowd out their longer term competitors, it’s typically something we plan to do better next year – after all, we’ve got away with it so far, so another year won’t hurt! And even if training evaluation is undertaken, it is usua...