
12 Jul 2024

Networking Skills: Building and Maintaining Professional Relationships

In today’s dynamic professional landscape, building and maintaining strong relationships is essential for career success. Networking is not just about exchanging business cards at events; it’s about creating genuine connections that can lead to lasting professional partnerships. Here are some strategies to help you build and sustain valuable professional relationships. 

  1. Be Authentic

Authenticity is the foundation of any meaningful relationship. When you meet someone new, be yourself. Show genuine interest in their work and personal stories. Authentic interactions are memorable and help in creating a strong first impression. 

  1. Active Listening

One of the most important networking skills is active listening. Pay attention to what the other person is saying, ask questions, and show empathy. This not only makes the conversation more engaging but also helps you understand the other person’s needs and interests. 

  1. Follow Up

After an initial meeting, it’s crucial to follow up. Send a personalized message or email thanking them for their time and mentioning something specific from your conversation. This shows that you value the interaction and are interested in maintaining the relationship. 

  1. Offer Value

Networking is a two-way street. Always look for ways to offer value to your connections. Whether it’s sharing relevant articles, providing insights, or introducing them to other contacts, being helpful will make you a valuable connection. 

  1. Be Consistent

Consistency is key in maintaining professional relationships. Regularly check in with your network through emails, messages, or social media. Even a simple note to say hello can keep the connection warm and open the door for future opportunities. 

  1. Attend Networking Events

While virtual networking is valuable, attending in-person events can create stronger bonds. Industry conferences, seminars, and workshops are great places to meet like-minded professionals. Be proactive in introducing yourself and engaging in conversations. 

  1. Utilize Social Media

Platforms like LinkedIn are powerful tools for professional networking. Keep your profile updated, share relevant content, and engage with your connections’ posts. Social media allows you to stay connected with your network regardless of geographical boundaries. 

  1. Seek Mentorship and Offer to Mentor

Building relationships with mentors can provide valuable guidance and insights for your career. At the same time, offering to mentor others can be equally rewarding. Mentorship relationships can lead to deep, long-term professional connections. 

  1. Show Appreciation

Always express gratitude to those who help you along your professional journey. Whether it’s through a thank-you note, a shoutout on social media, or a small gift, showing appreciation strengthens relationships and builds goodwill. 

  1. Be Patient and Persistent

Building a strong professional network takes time and effort. Be patient and persistent in your efforts. Not every connection will lead to immediate benefits, but with time, your network will become one of your most valuable career assets. 


Networking is an ongoing process that requires effort, sincerity, and consistency. By being authentic, offering value, and maintaining regular contact, you can build and sustain professional relationships that will support your career growth and success. Remember, the strength of your professional network lies in the quality of your connections, not just the quantity.