Solomon People Solutions Training

16 Jul 2022

10 Powerful Motivational Tips

10 Powerful Motivational Tips

Everybody has Motivational goals. Maybe you want to run that half marathon coming up in six months, or you want to finish up your degree and go for a promotion. Whatever you are working towards it is important to continually take steps towards success and find ways to improve yourself along the way.

Unfortunately, that’s easier said than done. You might reach an unexpected roadblock, or a task you need to complete might be much more difficult than you expected. When this happens, it’s easy to get discouraged, and lose your motivation. It’s so important that you don’t let this happen. Every step that you take towards reaching a goal doesn’t just get you closer to accomplishing something. It’s also a step towards self improvement.

If you are active on social media, you have seen a post suggesting that people start a jar of blessings. The idea is that whenever something good happens, you write the blessing down and put it in a jar. Then, at the end of the year you open the jar and reflect on the blessings of the past year. This is a great idea, but why not start a jar of accomplishments as well?

Every time you accomplish something that is related to your goals and improving yourself, write that down and put it in a jar. However, in this case you don’t wait until the end of the year to review your accomplishments. Instead, look them over whenever you are feeling discouraged.

Find a support system of like minded people

Whatever you are trying to do to accomplish your goals, chances are there are other people doing the same. One thing that you can do to boost your motivation is to find these people and use them as a source of help and encouragement.

Of course, it goes without saying you should also reciprocate by being helpful and encouraging yourself. If you look online and in your community, you can probably find others who are trying to accomplish the same goals. If a group exists, join it. If it doesn’t, consider taking the steps required to create one.

Set goals that allow you to see frequent progress

It can take over a year to train to run a half marathon. Finishing your college degree can take several years. If your only measurement of success is whether or not you achieve some big, final result, you may find it difficult to stay motivated.

This is why it is so important to set incremental goals within your bigger goals. If you want to make it to finishing your degree, you should take the time to celebrate each semester you successfully complete.

4. Always spend some of your time learning something new

One of the great things about self improvement is that one action taken to improve yourself tends to boost your motivation, and increase your chances of successfully achieving your other goals. Learning new things is a great way to do this.

You can take online classes or sign up for education classes at your local community center. All that matters is that you are constantly learning something new and that you study effectively. You should never lose motivation when it comes to learning new things.

5. Write it down as an affirmation

Take whatever you are trying to accomplish and write it down on a piece of paper. Then, figure out how to rewrite it as an affirmation. For example, if your goal is to finish your degree by the end of 2016.

You might write down “I want to obtain my Bachelor’s degree in Human Services by December, 2016”. Then your affirmation would be “I will have my degree in Human Services by December, 2016”. The point is to write your goal, and then turn it into something that is a given.

6. Meditate and visualize

Many successful people give some of the credit for their accomplishments to the fact that they meditate. Why not join them? Meditation is easy to do, and it requires no special training or education to get started.

Simply find a quiet place, close your eyes, focus on breathing in slowly and breathing out slowly, and then visualize yourself successfully reaching your goals.